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Resolve API

resolve function

Resolves a message string with placeholders, replacing them with values from the context. Escapes and unescapes parts of the message as needed.

  • Signature

    function resolve(
      message: Message,
      context: Partial<Context<V>>,
      callbackFn: ResolveCallback<I>,
      initialValue: I,
      options: ResolveOptions
    ): I
  • Parameters

    • message: The message string with placeholders.
    • context: The context object containing values to replace placeholders in the message. Default is an empty object.
    • callbackFn: The callback function called for each part of the resolved message.
    • initialValue: The initial value used in the callback function.
    • options: Additional options for resolving the message, such as the locale.
  • Returns

    The resolved message after replacing placeholders with values from the context.

  • Details

    This function takes a message string with placeholders and resolves it by:

    • Escaping special characters to prevent them from being interpreted as part of the message.
    • Iterating through each segment of the message:
      • Unescaping plain text segments.
      • Identifying named placeholders ({key}) and extracting the key name.
      • Looking up the value for the key in the context object.
      • If the value is found:
        • Applying any necessary inflections (e.g., singular/plural) based on the value and locale.
        • Formatting the value according to the locale.
        • Replacing the placeholder with the formatted and inflected value.
      • If the value is not found:
        • Leaving the placeholder intact.
    • Unescaping any remaining escaped characters.
    • Calling the callbackFn for each segment (escaped text, placeholder, or resolved value) allowing for custom processing.

    The resolved message is returned for further use.

  • Examples

    const cb: ResolveCallback<string> = (c) => {
      return c.prev + c.part
    const resolvedMessage = resolve('Hello, {name}!', { name: 'Batou' }, cb, '');
    // Output: "Hello, Batou!"
  • See Also

resolveToSegments function

Resolves a message template into an array of segments representing its structure.

  • Signature

    function resolveToSegments(
      message: Message,
      context: Partial<Context>,
      options: ResolveOptions
    ): Array.<Segment.<Placeholders, Context>>
  • Parameters

    • message: The message template string containing placeholders.
    • context: Optional object containing values to replace placeholders. Defaults to {}.
    • options: Optional configuration options for formatting.
  • Returns

    An array of segments representing the message structure (text or placeholder information).

  • Details

    This function utilizes the resolve function to analyze the message template. It uses a custom callback function to create an array of Segment objects. Each segment represents a portion of the message and its properties:

    • type: Indicates whether the segment is plain text ('text') or a placeholder ('placeholder').
    • part: The actual content of the segment (text or placeholder string).
    • key: If a placeholder, the key extracted from the curly braces ({key}).
    • context: The provided context object (passed along for potential use).
    • inflect (optional): A function for dynamic inflection based on value and locale (if the resolve function provides this information).

    This allows for more granular manipulation of the message structure after processing.

  • Examples

    const segments = resolveToSegments('Hello, {name}!', { name: 'Batou' });
    // Output: [
    //   { type: 'text', part: 'Hello, ', key: undefined, context: { name: 'Batou' }, inflect: [Function: DUMMY_INFLECT] },
    //   { type: 'placeholder', part: '{name}', key: 'name', context: { name: 'Batou' }, inflect: [Function: DUMMY_INFLECT] }
    //   { type: 'text', part: '!', key: undefined, context: { name: 'Batou' }, inflect: [Function: DUMMY_INFLECT] }
    // ]

resolveToString function

Resolves a message template into a single string with resolved placeholders.

  • Signature

    function resolveToString(
      text: Message,
      context: Partial<Context>,
      options: ResolveOptions
    ): string
  • Parameters

    • text: The message template string containing placeholders.
    • context: Optional object containing values to replace placeholders. Defaults to {}.
    • options: Optional configuration options for resolving.
  • Returns

    The final resolved message string.

  • Details

    This function is a convenience wrapper around resolve. It takes a message template and context, and resolves the message into a single string by concatenating the processed parts. It uses a callback function that simply combines the previous accumulated string (prev) with the current part (part). The resolve function handles the logic of processing text and placeholder parts based on the provided context and options.

  • Examples

    const resolvedMessage = resolveToString('Hello, {name}!', { name: 'Batou' });
    // Output: "Hello, Batou!"